Saturday, November 24, 2012

Roots Tileable Texture WIP

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  I know I did!  Unfortunately, my family is all the way out in New Jersey, so I didn't get to visit them.  I instead stayed in my cozy apartment and worked on my tileable textures haha 
I had to work on a different tileable texture for my online class so I began to work on this.  I know absolutely nothing about texturing (other than dragging and dropping textures from a material onto an object). This has proven to be extremely difficult, but I got around to learning how to use xNormal and the basics of the different map types.  I am meeting up with a friend on Monday for 2 hours to talk about the basics of texturing.  After that is done, I will continue to work on both this and the leaves tileable texture when I have free time.

3ds Max - Zbrush - Photoshop - xNormal

What is fortunate but also bad news, is that I will have to move on and start making a highly detailed mountain scene soon.   I will obviously be putting in more work into that more than anything else.  So just prepare to see more mountain stuff.


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